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Who we are

Ibrahim Mubarak

He was been involved in the house-less community for over 12 years, here in Portland Oregon. Co-founder of Dignity Village and Right to Survive, Mubarak is a tireless advocate for the rights of the un-housed people. He often says he has been targeted for being " the three worst things according to the American government". He is black, house-less (formerly) and a Muslim. This repression has strengthened his resolve to empower the most oppressed in our community.
Ibrahim Mubarak received the 2nd annual Genevieve Nelson award in 2012 for all his passion, devotion and commitment to  organizing for a more just and inclusive society.
President Right 2 Dream Too

Trillium Shannon
She began her journey as a homeless advocate camping as a supporter of/at Dignity Village in 2000. She has participated in direct actions with the Landless farmers in Venezuela and blocked roads to protect 5,000 acres of old growth in the Mount Hood National Forest. She helped organize the Portland Grassroots Media Camp and continues to be passionate about media.
Treasurer Right 2 Dream Too
503) 734-4778

Lisa Fay
She was worked for 25 years in health care. Worked as a professional driver and an art teacher for 3rd through 6th graders. She became un-housed due to the economic recession. While house-less, she helped found an encampment called "Rising Phoenix Camp" which provided safety, shelter and a sense of community for herself and others. Lisa become active in R2S in August 2010, to reach more people and teach them about their civil,constitutional and human rights.
Chairman Right 2 Survive
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